The following notebook is a work in progress for the data collected form trout spawning waters in nothern New Hampshire.
Data was collected in the Summer and Fall of 2018 and the following data set describes the information recorded form those efforts.
The goal of this notebook is to make something useful from a messy dataset. Lots of effort was put into collecting this data,
but it is hardly useful to a data scientist. Many real world situations will find you with less than ideal resources to complete a task.
This notebook seeks to make something deliverable from a difficult situation.
import pandas as pd
import numpy as np
pass1 = pd.read_excel("C:/Users/Mark/Desktop/misc_stuff/Wanding_Combined.xlsx", 0)
pass2 = pd.read_excel("C:/Users/Mark/Desktop/misc_stuff/Wanding_Combined.xlsx", 1)
pass3 = pd.read_excel("C:/Users/Mark/Desktop/misc_stuff/Wanding_Combined.xlsx", 2)
print(pass1.shape, pass2.shape, pass3.shape)
(4018, 19) (3907, 19) (2809, 18)
Scan Date 78 Scan Time 78 Download Date 66 Download Time 66 Reader ID 4508 HEX Tag ID 103 DEC Tag ID 13 Meter 1320 Habitat 1423 Wood 5699 Latitude 88 Longitude 50 File Name 26 Wander 6568 Unit 6568 Start 8852 End 8280 Wood? 8023 start 9409
We’re only going to scratch the surface of the cleaning we need to do on this data set.
df = df.drop(['Dead or Live', 'Live/Dead?', 'Unnamed: 18'], axis=1)
Index(['Scan Date', 'Scan Time', 'Download Date', 'Download Time', 'Reader ID',
'HEX Tag ID', 'DEC Tag ID', 'Meter', 'Habitat', 'Wood', 'Latitude',
'Longitude', 'File Name', 'Wander', 'Unit', 'Start', 'End', 'Wood?',
Knowing that Ali was the worker who put in the most hours on the project and that women are under represented in the field I can assume that Alison tagged more than she was credited. We will be making a map, an easy way to find a base map starting point is to get the mean of all the locations.
df2 = df.dropna(subset = ['Longitude', 'Latitude'])
print(f' Lon Center: {df2.Longitude.mean()} \n Lat Center {df2.Latitude.mean()}')
df2.Wander = df2.Wander.fillna("Alison")
import folium
long = -71.09671
lat = 44.9239
#Create a map of the area
base_map = folium.Map([lat, long], zoom_start=20)
we have thousands of tags, so we will have to break this data into subsets to make them digestable.
import numpy as np
#Generate some random locations to add to our map
samp = df2.sample(50)
x = samp.Latitude
y = samp.Longitude
desc = samp.Wander
points = list(zip(x, y, desc))
foliumdata = pd.concat([x,y,desc], axis=1, ignore_index = True)
#just another way to look at the geodata
We will now make a map with locations of the fish as they were found and a popup for the person who found the fish. This can be used to judge worker preformance and territories.
for idx, data in enumerate(points):
lat = x.iloc[idx]
long = y.iloc[idx]
popup_txt = desc.iloc[idx]
popup = folium.Popup(popup_txt, parse_html=True)
marker = folium.Marker(location=[lat, long], popup = popup)
from here we could also label the tags by which features the fish was found by. We could color the markers according to the season they were found in order to track any migration patterns that might exist, but this is a start.